
Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2016 angezeigt.

On Work Culture: Ownership and Execution

One of the worst habits I have come across in post-graduate work life is the inability of companies and teams to execute on the things that were planned, promised or sold. The excuses brought forward are as countless and rich in their variations as the people that express them. From top level managers to workers in the lowest trenches – they all excuse and try to ditch the blame instead of owning the problem and standing up bold even in times of failure. There is one thing all businesses and industries have in common, and that is the requirement to actually execute on your ideas. On your plans. Strategies. Initiatives. You can spend weeks on planning and visualizing, debating and lecturing. At some point you’ve got to either leave it or execute it. The problem with most “office work” now is the lack of reliable and accurate measurement methods. A lot of trust in employees is required, allowing for a lot of failure and chaos. A good reference to that is the concept of `Work in Prog...