Blinded by the Price!
With the war on price per RU being waged by the big three cloud providers, the perception grew that the public cloud was about cost savings. Now, although replacing your outsourced or self-managed IT infrastructure with public cloud services might (!) save you money, there is no promise or guarantee out there that it will. It can be, but certainly doesn’t have to. First, there is more to cloud than just (presumably) cheap capacity, and second: if you let yourself be guided by short-term cost cuts rather than long-term competitive advantage, then you’ve not understood AWS, Google and Azure at all. Go back and start again – by reading this article. Cloud = Cheaper Compute, Network and Storage? Many times I have seen the term of cloud being used to describe bare computing and storage capacity plus the associated network infrastructure. This happens if you speak to traditional outsourcing companies or hardware vendors about IT infrastructure – and with their client base. Let’s be cl...